Season 2, #48 – #MakeStories

Michelle and Emily welcome Ann Bingham, owner of Kula St. Louis, to the podcast. They share an elegant 2017 Pouilly-Fusse from Louis Jadot.

They kick off the conversation with a humorous panty discussion that moves to a discussion of Body Image and changing personal perspectives.

Ann shares how after living her whole life with a chronic illness and how after 20+ years of a demanding career she made the jump to entrepreneurship and opened her own yoga studio - Kula St. Louis.

They talk about Ann's family's personal motto of Make Stories and how trying something new each month has taken them to new places, introduced them to different people/cuisines/locations, and taken the 'fear' out of the unknown.

They talk about Ann's son's Autism diagnosis and learn how the term Asperger's is linked to Nazi Germany and why people should drop that description and use Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 etc when discussing the autism spectrum.

Ben Ferencz, prosecutor at Nuremberg Trials that Michelle referenced.  Here's the link to his opening statement.

"We ask this Court to affirm by international penal action man's right to live in peace and dignity regardless of his race or creed." Ben Ferencz, 1947

“Prosecuting Evil” Trailer

The Wine!

Pouilly-Fusse from Louis Jadot

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