Michelle and Emily pepper their audio engineer and newlywed Sam Maul with questions about his recent wedding. They want the details on everything but the wedding night. Get the inside scoop on the most sought after St. Louis wedding of the year.
Michelle and Emily compare their wedding experiences with the current environment. How many attendants do you have? Tuxedos vs Suits. Best color for the bridesmaids. How many cocktail hours are enough during the wedding and reception? DJ versus live band? First dance: lessons or 'sway-sway'? How hard is it to write your own vows? How do you stay within a wedding budget to make sure you have $$ for a honeymoon?

Sam has asked for listeners to send in suggestions on what to drink while he and Jeannie honeymoon in Greece.
Emily asks Sam to tell the story about how he and Jeannie met and their first date. Trust us, it's really sweet.
You'll be #mauledbylove after listening to this episode.

The Wine!