Season 3 #62 – Change Your Brain

Emily and Michelle share a hearty bottle of Rioja with Emmy award-winning former reporter and anchor, Jill Farmer, author of "There's Not Enough Time... and Other Lies We Tell Ourselves”— an Amazon bestseller.

This conversation is hearty like the wine they drink. They discuss how stress and "being busy" impacts brain functioning. They talk about re-wiring your brain, how to refocus your energy and quit worshipping at the altar of busy.

They discuss how different the generations are in their approach to work, careers, life balance and learn a new vocabulary word "worth-o-meter."

They talk about asking for comfort, Christmas episodes of their favorite TV shows, learn about the difference between Fight, Flight, Freeze, and Fawn and how trauma impacts behaviors. Emily shares a story about a recent interaction with someone that left her hurting and questions how it could've been different. Jill offers a perspective/approach of "How Could I have Suffered Less?" as an evaluative tool. As women, it's okay to suffer less.

They discuss the changes the news industry has undergone since Jill started in the profession and the influence of social media on it as well.

For more information on Jill, visit her website

The Wine!

Faustino Rivero Ulecia Rioja - from the Wine Merchant

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