Pilot Episode with Mich Hancock. The importance of true friendships and coping with a sociopathic son. Cava Eloquente.

Featured Wine
To celebrate our inaugural episode, we shared Bubbles! This delightful Cava, Elocuente exudes notes of strawberries and a nice creamy finish, is a real gem. It can easily be found for under $13.
Highlights from the Show

We all had a good laugh after Mich brilliantly coined the term “Clinterally Speaking.” During the break, we all tried our best at doing a Clint Eastwood Impression. Though you can’t hear our attempts on the released podcast, you can witness these embarrassing and delightful moments on the live recording of the podcast. During breaks – the video keeps rolling.

The universe puts Emily & Michelle back together at a Twelfth Night – Marie Antoinette Party
More information and links on stuff we talked about
Parallel Chords
Emily & Michelle met on set, as extras for the film.
Watch it here!
More info on Mich Hancock
Mich Mash Podcast
Tedx Gateway Arch