Emily and Michelle welcome Katie Moon to the podcast. Katie is the Exhibits Manager at the Missouri History Museum and the curator of the Beyond the Ballot exhibit at the museum. After Michelle and Emily visited the exhibit, they knew they had to have Katie on the podcast. In addition, Katie is the author of the upcoming book "Groundbreakers, Rule Breakers, and Rebels" to be released in November 2020.

They share a 2016 bottle of La Petite Lune from Domaine de Chevalier. While sipping and trying to describe the panties, they realize they don't know enough about Star Wars to talk about it on the podcast.
They have a great conversation about the history of Women's suffrage, how the exhibit came about, women's history in St. Louis, and women's history in general. They answer the questions about whether or not to celebrate or commemorate the anniversary of women's suffrage?
Katie shares some of the surprising facts she learned about St. Louis Women's history while pulling the exhibit together. For instance, how the Louisiana Purchase negatively impacted the economic, legal, and social status of women inSt. Louis.
The conversation flows from discussing how Katie selected the artifacts on display to the importance of inclusivity in the women's suffrage movement then and now, and to St. Louis's complex social and economic history.
Visit https://mohistory.org/exhibits/beyond-the-ballot to learn more!

The Wine!
La Petite Lune from Domaine de Chevalier available at the Wine Merchant